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The KRG’s oil income in February

2022-03-12 19:43:25

Draw Media

The region's oil revenues for February this year were revealed by Masrour Barzani as follows:
Last month, February, was 28 days.
• The region has sold (422,000) barrels of oil every day.
• In February, (11 million and 816,000) barrels of oil were sold.
• The average price of a barrel of oil was 83 dollars in February. 
• Total revenue was: (980) million dollars.
• From The oil sales revenues for last month, only 420 million dollars have remained for the government.
• 58 million dollars of the oil revenues have gone to the company's debt.
• The amount of 67 million dollars of the revenues have gone to the pipeline rent.
• The amount of 435 million dollars of oil revenues have gone to the oil companies spending.
• The net revenues that have returned to the government treasury were 420 million dollars.
• out of the 420 million dollars of the revenues, 134 million dollars were spent on the employees’ paycheck.
• Now, only 286 million dollars are left from the February revenues.


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