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There is no indication that the post of governor of Kirkuk will be decided soon

2024-06-05 08:19:59

There is no indication that the post of governor of Kirkuk will be decided soon and the political parties are waiting for Sudani to organize a new round of negotiations.

According to the newspaper (Al-Araby al-Jadeed), political sources in Kirkuk province hope that the Iraqi prime minister will organize a new round of talks between the political forces in the province to discuss the crisis of the governor's post and try to reach an agreement.

According to the newspaper, several scenarios have been proposed to resolve the crisis, including the post of governor for two years to be divided between Kurds and Arabs, another scenario is that the post is Arabs in exchange for important posts to Kurdish parties.

It said there is no indication that the issues will be resolved soon, but the new attempt of Sudani is part of Baghdad's efforts to resolve the issue of the posts of Kirkuk and Diyala provinces.

According to the newspaper, the risks of failure of a new round of negotiations, the Iraqi government as the highest authority can appoint a governor for Kirkuk outside the political forces, but this will be the last option.

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