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UN Secretary-General's envoy met with journalists and civil society organizations

2023-11-17 19:12:29

Volker Perthes of Germany as Head of the Independent Strategic Review of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI)  met with some journalists and civil society organizations at the office of Draw Media Organization in Sulaymanya. 
During the meeting, Volker Perthes sought the views of the attendees on the continuation of UNAMI's mission in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.
Journalists and representatives of civil society organizations discussed the political, security, human rights, women's rights, freedom of the media and expression with the UN Secretary-General's representative.
Volker Perthes was appointed as the Head of the Independent Strategic Review of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), to review UNAMI's mission in Iraq and then submit its report to the UN Secretary-General for a final decision on the future of UNAMI in Iraq.



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