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Italy is the main buyer of the KRG's oil

2022-12-24 13:13:45

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Italy is the main buyer of oil in the Kurdistan Region. On average, Italy buys about 40% of the Kurdistan Region's oil. In August 2021, Italy bought the most oil from the region by  (56%).

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni visited in Baghdad and Erbil to discuss bilateral trade and military ties.

The oil issue is considered the hottest trade relations between the Kurdistan Region and Italy, as since 2014, Italy has been the main buyer of oil exports from the Kurdistan Region.


KRG Oil Shipments in September

In September 2022, 13 million 220 thousand barrels of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) oil were shipped to five different countries.

- 5 million 190 thousand barrels, by 39.3% were shipped by Israeli ships.

- 2 million 740 thousand barrels, (20.7%) were shipped by Greek ships.

- 2 million 340 thousand barrels, (17.7%) were shipped by Italian ships.

- 650,000 barrels, or 4.9%, were loaded by a Romanian ship.

- 600,000 barrels, or 4.5%, were loaded by a Croatian ship.

- The amount of (1 million 700 thousand) barrels of oil (12.9%) is not known what country’s ships loaded the oil.


• KRG oil shipments in August

In August 2022, 11 million 560 thousand barrels of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) oil were shipped to four different countries.

- 3 million 620 thousand barrels, 31.3% of which were shipped by Greek ships.

- 3 million barrels, 26% of which were shipped by Italian ships.

- 2 million 670 thousand barrels, 23.1% of which were shipped by Israeli ships.

- 1 million 270 thousand barrels, 11% of which were loaded by ships (Romania).

- The amount of (1 million) barrels of oil (8.7%) is not known what country’s ships loaded the oil.


• KRG oil shipments in July

In July 2022, 13 million 340 thousand barrels of oil from the Kurdistan Region were shipped to six different countries.

- 5 million 180 thousand barrels, 38.8% of which were shipped by Italian ships.

- 2 million 20 thousand barrels, 15.1% of which were shipped by Croatian ships.

- 1 million 940 thousand barrels, (14.5%) were shipped by Greek ships.

- 1 million barrels, 7.5% of which were shipped by Taiwanese ships.

- 1 million barrels, 7.5% of which were shipped by Singaporean ships.

- 600,000 barrels, or 4.5%, were shipped by Israeli ships.

- The amount of (1 million 600 thousand) barrels of oil (12%) is not known what country’s ships loaded the oil.




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