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Production of oil fields in the Kurdistan Region

2024-03-02 09:22:16

🔻 Daily production of oil fields (after and before) suspension of oil exports

🔹 In March (2023), (14) oil fields were in production and an average of (453 thousand 232) barrels of oil were produced per day. Currently, seven oil fields in the Kurdistan Region produce 294,150 barrels of oil per day, which is 65% of the pre-suspension capacity.
🔹 Producing companies sell oil at an average of about (35) dollars per barrel.
🔹 Daily revenue from the sale of (294 thousand 150) barrels of oil is $10 million 295 thousand 250 dollars, when the average price of a barrel of oil at 35 dollars. The total monthly revenue from oil sales reaches about (309 million) US dollars, but the revenue does not go back to the Ministry of Finance.
🔹 Both companies (Kar and Lanaz) have been the largest buyers and main beneficiaries of oil in the region and some of the products have been bought by businessmen close to political parties. Part of the production initially (50%) and then (65%) was given to the Kurdistan Regional Governmentand and KRG has sent some of it to Baghdad and the fate of others is unknown.

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