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KRG revenue for June

2022-07-02 13:34:55

Prepared by: Anwar Karim

The revenue of the Kurdistan Region in June was (995 billion) dinars, the Kurdistan Regional Government sold (11 million 305 thousand) barrels of oil last month, the total oil revenue was (1 billion 253 million) dollars. (702 million) dollars of which have gone for the companies’ expenses and the rest ($551 million) remains for the government treasury.


Non-oil revenues

• Non-oil revenues for June = (164 billion) dinars (which spends on salaries, according to information, the amount is almost double)

• Coalition assistance to the Peshmerga forces = (31 billion 500 million) dinars

• Kurdistan Region's share of the Iraqi budget = (0) dinars

Oil revenues (pipeline exports)

• In June 2022, the Kurdistan Region exported 11 million 305 thousand barrels of oil through the Turkish Port of Jayhan.

• The average price of Brent oil for June was $122.86.

• Because the region sells its oil at $12 less, so KRG sold its oil at an average of $ (110.86)

So: (11 million 305 thousand) barrels X (110.86) dollars = (1 billion 253 million 272 thousand 300) dollars.

That is, in dinars, it is: (1 billion 253 million 272 thousand 300) dollars X (1450) dinars = (1 trillion 817 billion 244 million 835 thousand) dinars.

• According to the latest Deloitte report, 56% of oil revenues are spent on expenditures and 44% remains for the Ministry of Natural Resources.

- So: (1 billion 253 million 272 thousand 300) dollars X (56%) = (701 million 832 thousand 488) dollars go to the cost of the oil process.

That is, in dinars, it is: (701 million 832 thousand 488) dollars X ((1450 dinars = (1 trillion 17 billion 657 million 107 thousand 600) dinars oil expenditure.

- (1 billion 253 million 272 thousand 300) dollars X (44%) = (551 million 839 thousand 812) dollars remaining.

Oil revenue in dinars is: (551 million 839 thousand 812) dollars X (1450) dinars = (799 billion 587 million 727 thousand 400) dinars.

Total Revenue in June 2022 (Dinar)

(799 billion 587 million 727 thousand 400) oil revenue + (164 billion) domestic revenue + (31 billion 500 million) allies = (995 billion 87 million 727 thousand 400) dinars

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